Final CTD Conference Report (22-29 October 2017)
The Connecting in Times of Duress research programme presented its results and way forward during this conference in Ndjaména. During the conference the team members met with senior researchers who were also invited for previous events during the research project (seminars/ conferences and workshops) andRead More
Esatis Le Bon – Arnold Ngbagalet, “Kangbi na contrainte”
We are happy to present the text of “Kangbi na contrainte“, a reflection by slam artist Arnold Ngbagalet a.k.a. Esatis le Bon on the theme of ‘duress’. Arnold is a refugee from CAR living in Congo-Kinshasa. See also the live blog post on the slam concertRead More
Le vandalisme: Une seconde nature centrafricaine
– Max-Landry Kassaï, 11 decembre 2017 (précédemment publié le 11 septembre 2017) Le vandalisme centrafricain est la manifestation de beaucoup d’esprits parmi lesquels on note la haine, la misère, la jalousie, l’incapacité, la méchanceté, la cupidité, le règlement de compte, la justice populaire, le tribalisme… Le vandalismeRead More
Central concepts: duress, connectivity, and mobility
Definitions of central concepts: Duress: the internalization of hardship and violence that are a result of oppression, conflict and war and its often long and deep history. Originally a notion from the discipline of jurisprudence, duress (or in French, contrainte), refers to a state inRead More
Introduction to the CTD theme by CTD the project leader Mirjam de Bruijn
After the official opening of the CTD conference, the CTD project leader Mirjam de Bruijn opened the academic programme with an introduction to the theme of the research programme Connecting in Times of Duress, that in the last five years explored how the introduction of ICTs changesRead More
Mon retour au pays
– Max-Landry Kassaï, 29 May 2017 C’était pour moi un grand ouf de rentrer au pays, car j’en avais assez des tracasseries du refuge. J’étais rentré un soir vers 18 heures, au moment où le pays commençait à se remettre peu à peu de la crise laRead More