Live blog


Esatis Le Bon – Arnold Ngbagalet, “Kangbi na contrainte”

We are happy to present the text of “Kangbi na contrainte“, a reflection by slam artist Arnold Ngbagalet a.k.a. Esatis le Bon on the theme of ‘duress’. Arnold is a refugee from CAR living in Congo-Kinshasa. See also the live blog post on the slam concertRead More

Lucia Ragazzi

Freelance editor/ journalist Lucia Ragazzi joined the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad (25-28 October 2017), as editor of the liveblog and social media reporter. She completed this project in November 2017, turning the liveblog into an (audiovisual) report of and reflection on the conference. Lucia holds a Master’sRead More

La conférence de presse en levée de rideau du Festival International N’Djam s’enflamme en slam.

Par Rolland Albani, SAO magazine. Octobre 24, 2017 Ce mardi 24 octobre 2017, la maison de la culture Baba Moustapha a abrité la conférence de presse de lancement du festival International N’Djam s’enflamme en Slam, rendu à sa 4ème édition. Sur la table de la conférence,Read More

Countdown to the CTD conference in N’Djaména!

In N’Djaména and Leiden, the final preparations are underway for the end conference of the research project ‘Connecting in Times of Duress: Understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins’ (25-28 October 2017). The programme of the conference is divided in six panels, themedRead More

Welcome to the CTD Conference live blog!

The live blog covered the events of the CTD end conference and the festival N’djam s’enflamme en slam, who took place in N’Djamena between the 23rd and the 29th of October 2017. The two events happened simultaneously and were an extraordinary chance for an exchange between academiaRead More

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