CTD conference


Final CTD Conference Report (22-29 October 2017)

The Connecting in Times of Duress research programme presented its results and way forward during this conference in Ndjaména. During the conference the  team members met with senior researchers who were also invited for previous events during the research project  (seminars/ conferences and workshops) andRead More

Esatis Le Bon – Arnold Ngbagalet, “Kangbi na contrainte”

We are happy to present the text of “Kangbi na contrainte“, a reflection by slam artist Arnold Ngbagalet a.k.a. Esatis le Bon on the theme of ‘duress’. Arnold is a refugee from CAR living in Congo-Kinshasa. See also the live blog post on the slam concertRead More

Festival international N’Djam s’enflamme en slam – 4e édition

– Deuhb Emmanuel Zyzou, 15 decembre 2017 La capitale tchadienne a abrité la 4e édition du festival international « N’Djam s’enflamme en Slam », tenu du 23 au 29 Octobre 2017. Un festival qui allie l’art et l’académie. Il est présenté par l’Association culturelle etRead More

Lucia Ragazzi

Freelance editor/ journalist Lucia Ragazzi joined the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad (25-28 October 2017), as editor of the liveblog and social media reporter. She completed this project in November 2017, turning the liveblog into an (audiovisual) report of and reflection on the conference. Lucia holds a Master’sRead More

Images of the CTD fieldworks

During her speech at the opening of the CTD conference, the CTD project leader Mirjam de Bruijn projected a slideshow of pictures showing images from the different researchers’ fieldworks. This series of landscapes, portraits, people, everyday life scenes was used by Prof. De Bruijn toRead More

Didier Lalaye aka Croquemort

Didier Lalaye, a.k.a. Croquemort, is a slam artist from Chad. His music of social and political protest has inspired a new slam generation in Chad, and is recognised internationally in and outside of Africa. After the release of his last album “Apprenons à les comprendre”Read More

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