

About the author: Max-Landry Kassaï

Born in 1990 in Bangui (Central African Republic), Max holds a master degree in public law and international relations of the University of Bangui. He is passionate about writing and has done internships in local journals in Bangui, as well as in the Congolese radioRead More

Lucia Ragazzi

Freelance editor/ journalist Lucia Ragazzi joined the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad (25-28 October 2017), as editor of the liveblog and social media reporter. She completed this project in November 2017, turning the liveblog into an (audiovisual) report of and reflection on the conference. Lucia holds a Master’sRead More

Mon Refuge au Congo (2)

– Max-Landry Kassaï, 15 March 2017 Les 300.000 F CFA que nous avions sur nous, commençaient à finir. Or, nous voulions nous rendre à Kinshasa comme notre vie sur le camp ne nous arrangeait pas. Nous nourrissions des projets d’avenir tel que la poursuite de nosRead More

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