African Studies
Lucia Ragazzi

Freelance editor/ journalist Lucia Ragazzi joined the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad (25-28 October 2017), as editor of the liveblog and social media reporter. She completed this project in November 2017, turning the liveblog into an (audiovisual) report of and reflection on the conference. Lucia holds a Master’sRead More
Adamou Amadou, “Un chercheur apprenti slameur”

In the last day of the CTD conference, the CTD researcher Adamou Amadou shared a beautiful slam piece on the research programme. This short piece was more than just a closing word – it was a way to express the hope that the collaboration betweenRead More
Matsutake: or the parable of the elephant and the three blind men

From CTD researcher Catherina Wilson’s blog Rumours on the Ubangui An old Indian parable relates the story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant. One day an elephant is brought to town and each of the men is askedRead More
Eefje Gilbert
Eefje Gilbert is a research master student in African Studies at Leiden University. For her Master’s thesis she takes a look at networks of (dis)connection surrounding the new deepsea harbour in Kribi, Cameroon. For this research project she spent four months in Cameroon during theRead More