Voices from the stage of N’djam s’enflamme en slam
The artist that came to Chad to take part to the festival N’djam s’enflamme en slam talk about their music and their participation to the festival. During the CTD conference and the festival, a lot has been said on the possibilities opened up by the encouter and exchange betweenRead More
Adamou Amadou, “Un chercheur apprenti slameur”
In the last day of the CTD conference, the CTD researcher Adamou Amadou shared a beautiful slam piece on the research programme. This short piece was more than just a closing word – it was a way to express the hope that the collaboration betweenRead More
Matsutake: or the parable of the elephant and the three blind men
From CTD researcher Catherina Wilson’s blog Rumours on the Ubangui An old Indian parable relates the story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant. One day an elephant is brought to town and each of the men is askedRead More
Didier Lalaye aka Croquemort
Didier Lalaye, a.k.a. Croquemort, is a slam artist from Chad. His music of social and political protest has inspired a new slam generation in Chad, and is recognised internationally in and outside of Africa. After the release of his last album “Apprenons à les comprendre”Read More
Sjoerd Sijsma
Sjoerd Sijsma is a professional film maker and photographer. He trains and coaches the CTD team on audiovisual matters. As member of the team, he will produce a documentary on ‘the art of communication’, exploring who is allowed to communicate, how and when during times of duress. Together withRead More
Painting performance of Sapin Makengele in the market of Moursal, N’Djamena
Sapin Makengele is a popular artist from the Democratic Republic of Congo. In N’Djamena, he took part to the CTD conference as an artist in the exhibition “Vivre sous contrainte” (IFT, 23-29 October 2017), and as a co-creator in Catherina Wilson’s work Painting Knowledge, Writing Art, presentedRead More
Vernissage de l’exposition “Vivre sous contraintes” à l’Institut Français du Tchad
Par Rolland Albani, SAO magazine, 26 Octobre 2017 Le mercredi 25 octobre 2017 a eu lieu le vernissage de l’exposition “Vivre sous contraintes s’est tenu dans l’espace réservé à cet effet à l’Institut Français du Tchad (IFT). Il s’agit en fait d’une exposition quiRead More
Art exhibition: ‘Vivre sous contrainte / Living under duress’
As part of the cultural programme of the Connecting in Times of Duress Conference, the ‘Living Under Duress’ exhibition (curated by artist Salma Khalil and researcher Catherina Wilson) is the result of a collaboration between researchers at the Leiden University and different artists from CentralRead More
Cultural programme CTD Conference: art, film, music & discussion
During the CTD conference, Connecting in Times of Duress presents a cultural programme in collaboration with the Festival N’Djam s’enflamme en slam. This programme consists of the art exhibition ‘Vivre sous contrainte / Living under duress’, a film screening of Wùlu (2016) at cinema Le Normandie,Read More