Festival international N’Djam s’enflamme en slam – 4e édition

– Deuhb Emmanuel Zyzou, 15 decembre 2017 La capitale tchadienne a abrité la 4e édition du festival international « N’Djam s’enflamme en Slam », tenu du 23 au 29 Octobre 2017. Un festival qui allie l’art et l’académie. Il est présenté par l’Association culturelle etRead More
Sapin Makengele

Born in 1980 in Kinshasa, Sapin Makengele is a self-taught Congolese popular painter. Within the CTD research project, he collaborated with PhD researcher Catherina Wilson. He took part in the CTD seminar series and contributed to the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad, a.o. with a public painting performanceRead More
Vernissage de l’exposition “Vivre sous contraintes” à l’Institut Français du Tchad

Par Rolland Albani, SAO magazine, 26 Octobre 2017 Le mercredi 25 octobre 2017 a eu lieu le vernissage de l’exposition “Vivre sous contraintes s’est tenu dans l’espace réservé à cet effet à l’Institut Français du Tchad (IFT). Il s’agit en fait d’une exposition quiRead More
Countdown to the CTD conference in N’Djaména!

In N’Djaména and Leiden, the final preparations are underway for the end conference of the research project ‘Connecting in Times of Duress: Understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins’ (25-28 October 2017). The programme of the conference is divided in six panels, themedRead More
Cultural programme CTD Conference: art, film, music & discussion

During the CTD conference, Connecting in Times of Duress presents a cultural programme in collaboration with the Festival N’Djam s’enflamme en slam. This programme consists of the art exhibition ‘Vivre sous contrainte / Living under duress’, a film screening of Wùlu (2016) at cinema Le Normandie,Read More
Voice4Thought Festival: People in Motion, 21-25 September 2016

After last year’s successful edition, Voice4Tought is back with its second annual festival, featuring a.o. the artists Valsero (Cameroon), Croquemort (Chad), Amee (Ivory Coast), author Lieve Joris (Belgium), and musician Ernst Jansz (Netherlands). This year’s theme is ‘People in Motion’. In the Netherlands and in Europe, many of the migrants’Read More