

Navigations of a globalizing Chad: Nomadic Walad Djifir grounded in connectivity

Based in central Chad, the Walad Djifir are part of extensive socio-economic networks, ranging from very local cattle markets, to Western Unions in Libya, and selling merchandise in the Central African Republic.

Ray’s Kim EDM, le nouveau Smokey tchadien?

– Deuhb Emmanuel Zyzou, 14 février 2018 Artiste rappeur-slammeur, Ray’s Kim le «Bunda Boss» comme l’appel fièrement ses admirateurs a animé ce lundi 29 Janvier 2018 en pleine crise sociale dans son pays le Tchad une conférence de mobilisation et d’appel à rassemblement des artistesRead More

Dawa M-Health Project

Dr. Didier Lalaye has set up a low Tech solution M-Health project in Chad to fight child mortality caused by infection of the Bilharzia worm.  An easy to treat problem when caught in time. Estimates show that worldwide till 800,000 children die a year andRead More

About the author: Deuhb Emmanuel Zyzou

Informaticien de formation à HEC TCHAD, il a été infographiste puis chargé de l’édition aux Editions Sao (une maison d’édition de livre) pendant 5 ans (jusqu’à 2015). Activiste bloggeur. Jeune ambassadeur de UNFPA Chad. Membre à Youth Council (US Embassy Chad). Chargé des affaires culturelles à l’association Tchad Plus, quiRead More

Voices from the stage of N’djam s’enflamme en slam

The artist that came to Chad to take part to the festival N’djam s’enflamme en slam talk about their music and their participation to the festival. During the CTD conference and the festival, a lot has been said on the possibilities opened up by the encouter and exchange betweenRead More

Images of the CTD fieldworks

During her speech at the opening of the CTD conference, the CTD project leader Mirjam de Bruijn projected a slideshow of pictures showing images from the different researchers’ fieldworks. This series of landscapes, portraits, people, everyday life scenes was used by Prof. De Bruijn toRead More

Curating anthropology: Reflections on the “Living under duress” EXPO

From CTD researcher Catherina Wilson’s blog Rumours on the Ubangui Opening art exhibition “Vivre sous contraintes”, speech by co-curator Catherina Wilson from Connecting in Times of Duress on Vimeo. In a previous blog I wrote about collaboration within the academy. I will now touch upon a different typeRead More

Matsutake: or the parable of the elephant and the three blind men

From CTD researcher Catherina Wilson’s blog Rumours on the Ubangui An old Indian parable relates the story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant. One day an elephant is brought to town and each of the men is askedRead More

Images of Music – Festival N’djam s’enflamme en slam 2017

Photo credits: Vera Bakker. See more pictures here

“Slam & Eve”: Les slamazones prennent le pouvoir le temps d’une soirée

Par Rolland Albani, SAO magazine, 30 Octobre 2017 Officiellement clôturé hier avec la finale de la coupe de slam, les invités et la team d’organisation de la 4ème édition du festival international N’Djam s’enflamme en Slam se sont retrouvés le dimanche 29 octobre 2017 auRead More

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