Monday, November 6th, 2017
About the author: Un réfugié Centrafricain à Kinshasa

Gildas Banga (25) is a Central African refugee in Kinshasa (DR Congo). Gildas was studying Law at the University of Bangui when he was forced to flee his country in May 20 13. Not being able to pursue his studies in the refugee camps inRead More
Central concepts: duress, connectivity, and mobility
Definitions of central concepts: Duress: the internalization of hardship and violence that are a result of oppression, conflict and war and its often long and deep history. Originally a notion from the discipline of jurisprudence, duress (or in French, contrainte), refers to a state inRead More
About the author: André Shamba

Diplômé (Bac+5) en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication de l‘Université de Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo. Journaliste depuis une douzaine d’années dans la presse écrite, audiovisuelle – dont près d’une dizaine à la Radio Okapi, la Radio des Nations-Unies cogérée avec laRead More