Congolese refugees
About the author: Un réfugié Centrafricain à Kinshasa

Gildas Banga (25) is a Central African refugee in Kinshasa (DR Congo). Gildas was studying Law at the University of Bangui when he was forced to flee his country in May 20 13. Not being able to pursue his studies in the refugee camps inRead More
Ma fuite au Congo : un devoir de mémoire

– Max-Landry Kassaï, 15 February 2017. Après un mois de prise de pouvoir par la Séléka le 23 mars 2013, notre vie commençait à être menacée. Les milices Séléka étaient devenues incontrôlées et agissaient brutalement à l’endroit des populations. Elles s’en prenaient sans cesse aux populationsRead More
CTD Seminar Series: Oliver Bakewell, 28 June 2016

Looking beyond conflict as a determinant of mobility in the African Great Lakes Prof. Dr. Oliver Bakewell (IMI, University of Oxford) While the Congolese are often portrayed as moving as refugees in East Africa, there is limited exploration of the other factors that shape theirRead More