Esatis Le Bon – Arnold Ngbagalet, “Kangbi na contrainte”
We are happy to present the text of “Kangbi na contrainte“, a reflection by slam artist Arnold Ngbagalet a.k.a. Esatis le Bon on the theme of ‘duress’. Arnold is a refugee from CAR living in Congo-Kinshasa. See also the live blog post on the slam concertRead More
Central concepts: duress, connectivity, and mobility
Definitions of central concepts: Duress: the internalization of hardship and violence that are a result of oppression, conflict and war and its often long and deep history. Originally a notion from the discipline of jurisprudence, duress (or in French, contrainte), refers to a state inRead More
Appel à communication CTD conférence finale 2017 [Fermé]
L’appel à communications est désormais fermé. L’Institut d’Histoire de l’Université de Leiden et le CRASH[1] vous invitent à la conférence finale du programme de recherche : Se Connecter en Temps de Contrainte (Connecting in Times of Duress). Ladite conférence aura lieu du 25 au 28 octobreRead More