Jonna Both


Exhibition in ASCL Library: Young people after demobilization in Bangui

This is not the type of exposition one would expect when one thinks of child soldiers. Normally traumatized children in military fatigue are portrayed while they hold their guns. For a research and documentary project we interviewed young people in Bangui who recently disengaged fromRead More

Dr. Jonna Both

Jonna Both started working in March 2015 as a postdoctoral  researcher within the VICI project ‘Connecting in Times of Duress’ of professor Mirjam de Bruijn. For her BA she studied African Languages and Cultures at Leiden University from 2003-2006 and specialized in African History. She also followed a fewRead More

Being Young in Times of Duress

Being young in times of duress. A research collaboration between the ASCL and UNICEF in the Central African Republic The ASCL receives funding from the Nationale Postcode Loterij (NPL) through UNICEF Netherlands for a research project in the Central African Republic (CAR). The major partRead More

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