Tuesday, March 28th, 2017
Paper – Mobile pastoralists in Central and West Africa: Between conflict, mobile telephony and (im)mobility

CTD project leader Mirjam de Bruijn, PhD researchers Adamou Amadou and Boukary Sangaré, and associate PhD researcher Elie Lewa Doksala wrote the paper ‘Mobile pastoralists in Central and West Africa: between conflict, mobile telephony and (im)mobility’ for The Future of Pastoralism, Revue scientifique et technique (InternationalRead More
Adamou Amadou, article, Boukary Sangaré, Cameroon, central africa, Chad, communication, conflict, Elie Lewa Doksala, Fulani, identity, insecurity, jihadism, Mali, Mirjam de Bruijn, mobile telephony, mobility, nomads, Pastoralists, Sahel, social networks, violence, West Africa Output, Publications, Uncategorized Comments Off on Paper – Mobile pastoralists in Central and West Africa: Between conflict, mobile telephony and (im)mobility Print this News