Overview CTD publications

CTD publications (in chronological-alphabetical order):


  • Both, J. & M. E. de Bruijn (2017), ‘Youth Between State and Rebel (Dis) Orders: Contesting Legitimacy from Below in Sub-Sahara Africa’, Small Wars & Insurgencies 28(4-5): 779-798.
  • Both, J., I. Brinkman & M. E. de Bruijn (2017), ‘The mobile phone and society in South Sudan: A critical historical-anthropological approach’, Journal of African Media Studies 9(2): 323-337
  • de Bruijn, M. E., (2017), ‘Croquemort: A Biographical Journey in the Context of Chad’, Bridging Humanities 1(1): 0-0.
  • Amadou, A., M. E. de Bruijn, E. Lewa Doksala & B. Sangaré (2016), ‘Mobile pastoralists in Central and West Africa: between conflict, mobile telephony and (im)mobility’, Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 35:2, 649-657.
  • de Bruijn, M.E., L Pelckmans & B. Sangaré (2015), ‘Communicating war in Mali, 2012: On-offline networked political agency in times of conflict’, Journal of African Media Studies 7(2): 109-128.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., E. Boesen & L. Marfaing (2014), ‘Nomadism and mobility in the Sahara-Sahel: introduction’, Canadian Journal of African Studies 48(1): 1-12.
  • de Bruijn M.E. (2014), ‘Connecting in Mobile Communities: an African case study’, Media Culture and Society 36(3): 319-335.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. & W. Gam Nkwi (2014), ‘‘‘Human Telephone Lines’’: Flag Post Mail Relay Runners in British Southern Cameroon (1916–1955) and the Establishment of a Modern Communications Network’, International Review of Social History 59: 211–235.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., C. M. Tankou, H. H. de Iongh, G. Persoon & G. R. de Snoo (2014), ‘Determinants and Impacts Of Human Mobility Dynamics In The Western Highlands Of Cameroon’, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 3(8): 40-50.
  • Wilson, (2014), ‘Changing Definitions of Autochthony and Foreignness in Bangui’, Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology website, 11 June 2014.
  • de Bruijn, M.E. (2013), ‘Mobiele telefoniecultuur in Afrika: internationaal vakmanschap in Kameroen’, Internationale Spectator 66(5): 245-250.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., M. Bøås, L. Gayer & M. Debos (2013), ‘Autour d’un livre. ‘Le métier des armes au Tchad: le gouvernement de l’entre-guerres’ de Marielle Debos’, Politique Africaine (132): 175-196.
  • de Bruijn, M.E., R. Jeffrey & A. Doran (2013), ‘The Great Indian Phone Book: How Cheap Mobile Phones Change Business, Politics and Daily Life, South Asia, South Asia’, Journal of South Asian Studies 36(4): 684-685.
  • de Bruijn, M.E. & R. van Dijk (2012), ‘Connecting and Change in African Societies: Examples of ‘ethnographies of linking’ in Anthropology’, Anthropologica 54: 45-59.

Book chapters:

  • de Bruijn, M. E. & I. Brinkman (2018), ‘Mobile phones in mobile margins: communication, mobility and social hierarchies in/from Africa’ in B. Mutsvairo (ed.), Palgrave Handbook for Media and Communications Research in Africa, Palgrave/Macmillan/ Springer.
  • de Goede, M.J. & I.J.G.C. Ligtvoet (2018), ‘Fields of Insecurity. Responding to Flows of Information’ in: Rivas, A.M. & B.C. Browne (eds) Experiences in Researching Conflict and Violence. Fieldwork Interrupted, Bristol: Policy Press, 161-178.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. & W. Nkwi (2017), ‘Stamps surrender to mobile phones: Reading the communication ecology of erstwhile West Cameroon’ in: W. van Beek, J. Damen & D. Foeken (eds.), The Face of Africa, essays in Honour of Ton Dietz, Leiden: ASCL Occasional Publication 268, 165-185.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. (2017), ‘Mediated Political Agency in Contested Africa’ in: L. Hjorth, H. Horst, A. Galloway & G. Bell (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, New York: Routledge, 396-405.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. (2017), ‘Mediated Political Agency in Contested Africa’ in: L. Horst, A. Galloway, and G. Bell (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, New York: Routledge, 141-157.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. & D. Lalaye (2016), ‘Ambiguities of oppression: Engaged Chadian artist’s itinerary towards success’ in: B. Mutsvairo, Digital activism in the Social Media Era. Critical Reflections on Emerging Trends in sub-Saharan Africa, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • de Bruijn, M.E. (2016), ‘Citizen Journalism at Crossroads: Mediated Political Agency and Duress in Central Africa’ in: B. Mutsvairo (ed), Participatory Politics and Citizan Journalism in a Networked Africa, a connected continent (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 90-106.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. (2015), ‘New ICT and mobility in Africa’ in: N. Sigona, A. Gamlen, G. Liberatore, H. N. Kringelbach (eds.) Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, Practices and Belonging, United Kingdom: Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford, 140-145.
  • Wilson M. C. (2015), ‘Kindoubil: urban youth languages in Kisangani’ in: Nassenstein N., Hollington A. (Eds.) Youth Language Practices in Africa and Beyond. no. 105, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • de Bruijn, M.E. (2014), ‘The Itinerant Koranic School, Contested Practice in the history of society and religion in Central Chad’ in: J. Bouju & M. E. de Bruijn (eds.) Ordinary Violence in Africa, Leiden: Brill, 63-84.
  • de Bruijn, M. E. (2013), ‘Mobile Telephony and Socioeconomic Dynamics in Africa’ in: G. I. Ingram (ed.), Infrastructure and Land Policies, Cambridge, masachusetts: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 61-83.
  • de Bruijn, M.E., I Brinkman & F. Nyamnjoh (2013), ‘Introduction: Mobile margins and the dynamics of communication’ in: M. E. de Bruijn et al. (eds.), Side@Ways: Mobile margins and the dynamics of communication, Leiden/Cameroon: ASC/Langaa, 1-16.
  • de Bruijn, M.E. & W. G. Nkwi (2013), ‘Life is so Summarised: Society’s Memory in the Digital Age in Africa’ in: M. Wallace, T. Barringer, J. Damen (eds.), Dis/Connects. African Studies in the Digital Age, Leiden: Brill, 179-193.


  • Both, J. (2017), Conflict Legacies. Understanding youth’s post-peace agreement practices in Yumbe, north-western Uganda, Amsterdam University/ Leiden University: doctoral dissertation.
  • Souleymane, A. A. (2017), Communication et Violences au Tchad. Le cas du Moyen-Chari et du Guera (1900-2010), Leiden University : doctoral dissertation.
  • de Bruijn M.E. & Bouju J. (2014), Ordinary Violence in Africa, Brill, Africa series. Leiden: Brill.
  • de Bruijn, M.E., I. Brinkman & F. Nyamnjoh (eds.) (2013), Side@Ways: mobile margins and the dynamics of communication in Africa, Leiden/Cameroon: ASC/Langaa.

Papers (selection, in chronological order):

  • Amadou, A., ‘De la mobilité pastorale à la mobilité d’échappatoire évasion’. Paper presented at CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Butter, I., ‘Questioning the importance of the more ‘mundane’ forms of duress: A methodological reflection on the role of ‘silences’’ CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Ligtvoet, I., ‘Comic relief and everyday resistance: Humour and duress in Nigeria’s on/offline discourses on hardship’, CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Sangaré, B., ‘Les Peuls et la crise au Centre du Mali: Entre adaptation et mutations sociales’, CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Souleymane, A. A., ‘Des récits historiques au détour des violences au Tchad’, CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Wilson, M. C., ‘Painting Knowledge, Writing Art’, CTD conference, N’Djaména, 25-28 October 2017.
  • Souleymane, A. A., ‘Qui ont écrit l’histoire du Tchad ?’, Workshop: Alternative histories from Central Africa, Leiden University, 3 July 2017.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., ‘Digitalisation and the Field of African Studies’. Keynote (Carl Schlettwein lecture) ECAS 2017, Basel, 28 June 2017.
  • Wilson, M. C., ‘Fleeing as a non-violent strategy: An engaged student becomes an engaged refugee’, ECAS 2017, Basel, 29 June-1 July 2017.
  • Ligtvoet, I. & M. E. de Bruijn, ‘Information biographies: A proposal/method to discover the world beyond the hashtag’, paper presented at Social Media in Africa Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 26-27 April 2017.
  • Both, J. & M. E. de Bruijn, ‘(re)New(ed) claims on citizenship/belonging in sub-Sahara Africa’. Paper presented during the conference ‘From Disorder to Order: Conflict and the Resources of Legitimacy’, Leiden, 20-21 October 2016.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., ‘New Information and Communication Technologies and ‘New’ Stratifications of Society: Evidence from Chad, Mali and Cameroon’, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München, Germany, 26 May 2016.
  • Ligtvoet, I., ‘Mocking the First Lady Online. Social media, humour and the creation of public opinion in Nigeria and beyond’, paper presented at the Workshop Media, elections and conflicts in Africa, Oxford, 16 November 2015.
  • Wilson, M. C., ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Social Mediatised’, paper presented at the Workshop Media, elections and conflicts in Africa, Oxford, 16 November 2015.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., ‘Connecting Political Voices in Authoritarian Africa: Resistance in the Era of (new) ICTs’, A-ASIA Inaugural Conference: AFRICA-ASIA: A New Axis of Knowledge, Accra, Ghana, 24-26 September 2015.
  • Conflict Mobiles’ in connected Central Africa. Biographical narratives, ICTs, and the interpretation of conflict’, Mirjam De Bruijn, Jonna Both, Adam Amadou & Catharina Wilson, PACSA, Frankfurt, Germany, 3 September 2015.
  • Amadou, A. & B. Sangaré, ‘L’identité nouvelle dans les communautés pastorales à travers les nouveaux medias et l’exposition aux conflits: les exemples des sociétés nomades du Gourma-Nord Mali et les refugies Mbororo a l’Est du Cameroun’. Paper presented at ECAS (European Conference on African Studies) 8-10 July 2015.
  • de Bruijn, M. E., ‘The Chadian Protest Music Scene in the Wake of the Impossible “Chadian Spring””. Paper presented together with Didier Lalaye at ECAS (European Conference on African Studies), 8-10 July 2015.
  • Ligtvoet, I., ‘Na only you waka come?’ – Laughter as resistance in Nigerians’ online and offline discourses on ‘crisis’, ECAS, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.
  • Butter, I., ‘Under duress: Chadian opinion makers in the digital age’, ASA UK Conference 2014, 9-11 September 2014, University of Sussex (Brighton).
  • Amadou, A., ‘Du nomadisme à l’immobilisme : quels rôles jouent les TIC?’ Paper presented at the EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) conference, Tallinn 31 July-3 August 2014.
  • Ligtvoet, I., ‘The Divine Connection: Pentecostal Navigation through Nigerian and Cameroonian Society under Duress, 1960 – 2015’, Paper ESTER conference, Verona, 12-14 November 2013.
  • Butter, I., ‘Money versus cattle: a Chadian perspective on the vulnerabilities of providing banking for the un-banked’, CRESC Conference: Precarious lives and experimental knowledge, 4-6 September 2013, London.
  • Sangaré, B., ‘Réseaux sociaux et communication en temps de crises au Mali : l’exemple des groupes de discussion sur facebook’, ECAS 2013.
  • Ligtvoet, I., ‘Religious transformations and the preservation of witchcraft discourse in Calabar, Nigeria’, Paper Conference Calabar, 23-25 April 2013.
  • Butter, I., ‘La mobilité transationale et le reseau economique des nomades de Batha’, Workshop organised by Djimet Seli & CRASH as part of Mobile Africa Revisited Project: De la mobilité physique à la mobilité par les ondes, 19 March 2013, N’Djamena. Presentation including short film.


Mirjam de Bruijn – Counter Voices in Africa

Inge Ligtvoet – Divine Connections

Catherina Wilson – Rumours on the Ubangui

The Broker: Mirjam de Bruijn – ICTs and the emergence of international protest in Central Africa

Jonna Both & Abdoulaye Adoum Souleymane – Conflicts connected and disconnected: where do we place the problem of governance in Chad?

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