Tuesday, June 17th, 2014


Workshop: ‘Methodologies under Duress’ – CTD methods, 31 March – 4 April 2014

The third day of the workshop in Buea, Cameroon (31 March – 4 April 2014) focused on the methodology of the CTD project. Following presentations by Inge Ligtvoet and Prof. Oka Obono, the participants explored the CTD methods of 1) senses, 2) visuals and 3) digitalisation:Read More

A state-of-the-art CTD discussion on methodology

Inge Ligtvoet opened the third day of the workshop by presenting the methods we have been using and discussing since the beginning of the project (see powerpoint and written paper).  Methods and Methodology Prof. Oka Obono commented on this presentation by inviting the participants toRead More

A personal exchange between the external collaborators of the CTD project

This exchange was stimulated by the various outings, e.g.; visiting the Buea archives, the port of Limbé, having evening dinners, etc. In a more formal setting, the senior representatives of the different institutes present in the CTD countries shared a session on the possibilities andRead More

Consolidation of the ties between team members and their supervisors

Before coming to Buea conference visitors were paired up with specific CTD team members, who in their turn had to send  a paper to their respective “partner”. The reason behind this was that the visitor then had to introduce (and comment on) the read researchRead More

Workshop: ‘Methodologies under Duress’ – report, 31 March – 4 April 2014

Buea, Cameroon, 31 March – 4 April 2014 At the beginning of April 2014, the members of the CTD project met with external collaborators and supervisors from the countries in the CTD project regions. The meeting took the form of a workshop titled ‘Methodologies under Duress’Read More

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