Tuesday, April 29th, 2014
Inge Ligtvoet – Duress & Naija Hip Pop in Nigeria

Inge Ligtvoet during her second field visit on Duress & Naija Hip Pop. See also her vodcast on youth and social media in Nigeria. Inge Ligtvoet is a PhD student at Leiden University. Click here to read more about her research project ‘Between expectations and opportunities:Read More
Artikel – Crisis in Mali: Lokaal verslag in een transnationaal conflict
Mirjam de Bruijn wrote the article ‘Crisis in Mali; lokaal verslag in een transnationaal conflict’ in Geografie (April 2014). Read the full article (in Dutch) below.
Mirjam de Bruijn, Mare, 17 April 2014
Geweren maken hier de dienst uit. Mirjam de Bruijn in the Leiden University newspaper Mare on doing research in conflict areas. 17th April 2014.
Mirjam de Bruijn and Catherina Wilson, DBNL Radio 5, 25 February 2014
Radio interview on the multi-layered conflict in CAR by Mirjam de Bruijn and Catherina Wilson. (DUTCH), Dichtbij Nederland, Radio 5 – 25th February 2014.
Interview with Louisa Lombard, NRC, 7 February 2014
Uitgebuit, genegeerd en tot reservaat gemaakt An interview in the Dutch newspaper, NRC with Dr. Louisa Lombard on the situation in the Central African Republic (DUTCH).
Mirjam de Bruijn, MAX (NED1), 30 January 2014
Communicatierevolutie Afrika Prof. Dr. Mirjam de Bruijn on Mobile Communication in Africa on Max Live (Dutch), Thursday 30 jan. 2014. (from 9.22 min. onwards)
Catherina Wilson, Volkskrant, 22 November 2013
Chaos in het hart van Afrika: Soldaten hebben geen salaris, maar wel wapens. Article in Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’ on the situation in CAR with Catherina Wilson. 22/11/2013.
Catherina Wilson, Villa VPRO, 20 November 2013
VN wil genocide in Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek voorkomen. Radio interview one of our PhD candidate, Catherina Wilson on the UN’s intentions to tripple its troops in the Central African Republicon the Dutch radio broadcasting station NL1, Villa VPRO, 20/11/2014.
CTD team – Behind the scenes: vodcast in one day

This clip was made during the first Vodcast workshop in Leiden, organised by Sjoerd Sijsma.
Inge Butter – La mobilité transnationale et le réseau économique des nomades de Batha

This video gives an impression of the fieldwork Inge Butter carried out between October 2012 and March 2013, in Chad and the Central African Republic. It was presented at a workshop hosted by the research center CRASH in N’Djamena on March 19th 2013. It is very muchRead More