This video was made by Inge Ligtvoet during her fieldwork in Nigeria in April 2013. Short interviews with students of the University of Ibadan give a first impression of theRead More
Eefje Gilbert is a master student at Leiden University.
The launch of Leiden Global on Vimeo, made by Sjoerd Sijsma (Eyeses).
Visits to Bagyeli settlements Bibira and Meboua, 21 September 2013 Driving along the road from Kribi town to Kribi port I notice the project owner RAZEL has already started enlargingRead More
“In the beginning there was a river. The river became a road and the road branched out to the whole world. And because the road was once a river itRead More
Adamou Amadou is a PhD student at Leiden University. Click here to read more about his research project ‘Entre “détresse’’ et l’inter-connectivité : le cas des Mbororo réfugiés sur lesRead More
This short documentary, produced by the African Development Bank Group (ADB), shows the impact of the construction of a highway on social life along the 443 km axis connecting Enugu (Nigeria) to BamendaRead More
Inge Butter is a PhD student at the ASC and Leiden University. Her fieldwork takes place in Chad with a recently-explored link into CAR. This was her third field visit.
My first fieldwork in Nigeria began up in the air, as we were approaching the runway of Lagos’ Murtala Muhammed Airport. The young man next to me, who’d been awfullyRead More
From October 2012 until March 2013 I carried out my third fieldwork period, following the leads I had picked up in Central Chad in order to gain an understanding ofRead More
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