Field Reports
Some Impressions from a (first) Tour Through the Central African Republic – photo story, 28 November-6 December 2012
by Mirjam de Bruijn, Inge Butter, Souleymane Abdoulaye Adoum, Adamou Amadou. Slide 1: Popular art in Bangui. Slide 2: Taking pictures of mobile phone presence in Bangui. Slide 3: ChadianRead More
Some Impressions from a (first) Tour Through the Central African Republic – report, 28 November-6 December 2012
by Mirjam de Bruijn, Inge Butter, Souleymane Abdoulaye Adoum, Adamou Amadou. Mobility and migration In this research we will concentrate on internal mobility within the CEMAC zone. Intercontinental migration seemsRead More
Souleymane Abdoulaye Adoum – Field Report 1: Sahr and Sido, Chad, August-October 2013
[pdf]à-Sarh-et-Sido-Copie.pdf[/pdf] Dr. Souleymane Abdoulaye Adoum succesfully defended his dissertation ‘Communication et violences dans le Guéra et le Moyen-Chari de 1940 à 2010’ in July 2017. Click here to read moreRead More