Tuesday, May 12th, 2015


Une semaine: 04 au 08 mai 2015

– André SHAMBA. RCA : DEBUT DU FORUM  SUR  LA RECONCILIATION. En République Centrafricaine, début  le lundi 04 mai 2015 du Forum sur la Réconciliation à  Bangui la capitale du pays.  Près de 600 délégués prennent part à cette rencontre inter-centrafricain.  Ces participants sont des représentantsRead More

Workshop: ‘Connecting in Times of Duress: A workshop on moving from data to concepts’, 23-25 March 2015

23 – 25 March 2015, Texel, the Netherlands By Inge B (with input from Boukary and Jonna)   Participants CTD team: Prof. Mirjam de Bruijn, Jonna Both (post-doc), Sjoerd Sijsma (filmmaker) Inge Ligtvoet, Adamou Amadou, Boukary Sangare, Catherina Wilson, Souleymane Abdoulaye, Inge Butter (PhDs) InvitedRead More

Inge Butter – Post-fieldwork report: CAR and Chad, June 2013

From October 2012 until March 2013 I carried out my third fieldwork period, following the leads I had picked up in Central Africa in order to gain an understanding of the dynamics of this post-conflict region. More specifically, I mapped and followed some of theRead More

Between expectations and opportunities

urban youth navigating duress in a globalized southern Nigeria The project, provisionally entitled ‘Between expectations and opportunities: urban youth navigating duress in a globalized southern Nigeria’ looks at the ways in which these youth navigate their lives in a context of long-term socioeconomic uncertainty andRead More

Connecting Duress: Navigating Crisis in Africa

This film will be produced in collaboration with Eyeses (Sjoerd Sijsma) and the programme’s research team.   The production of a film will form part of the project. The central question will be how communication technology influences people’s management of duress. Shooting will take placeRead More


Focus on Connections The proposed sub-projects have been designed in such a way that they are comparative and complementary. They have a common methodology and cover the historical development of communication innovations which make it possible to compare between various types of relations between duress and ICTRead More

Information flows along the CAR-DRC border

Since time immemorial rumours have connected people. Rumours play different social roles and act as sources of alternative information, both verified and non-verified. They vent potential frustrations, amuse and entertain. Rumours bring people together as well as set them apart. Discourse, on the other hand,Read More

I Refuse Remaining a Slave in my Life

A Qualitative Inquiry into Anglophone Youths’ Engagements with Social Media in Relation to Political Change in Cameroon “ENOUGH! Biya Must Go!”, “2011 NO FEAR REVOLUTION CAMEROON” and “CAMEROON YOUTHS FOR CHANGE” are among the several dozen Facebook groups which have been set up in pursuitRead More

Entre “détresse’’ et l’inter-connectivité

le cas des Mbororo réfugiés sur les frontières Cameroun-Centrafrique  Notre recherche axe sur la situation des Mbororo venus de la République centrafricaine fuyant les  répressions des rebelles et des grands bandits connus sous le noms de Zarguina. Depuis les années 2000, alors que l’ancien PrésidentRead More


Voice4Though: an artistic-academic project reflecting on world issues with and by interesting voices from all over the world This project is part of the research programme ‘Connecting in Times of Duress’ in which the relation between new ICTs, regions in conflict or political oppression, socio-politicalRead More

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